Friday, June 05, 2009


Still in San Francisco. JavaOne is almost done. Wish I was back in Connecticut. Miss my cat :P

Monday, June 01, 2009

CommunityOne - Ubuntu In the Clouds

Presented by Canonical, the vendor in supporting the Ubuntu development lifecycle. Talk begins with background on the Ubuntu development process and new features in 9.04. Ubuntu will not work on a mobile version, but will focus instead on its ability to run Android apps natively.

Moves on to Ubuntu ONE, a service that provides S3 storage for file synchronization. Currently in beta.

Polls by Ubuntu show 90% confidence in Ubuntu as a suitable OS for a cloud. They want to assure the OS can move between cloud vendors, public and private.

Ubuntu favors Amazon's EC3 cloud for a public cloud and says Amazon is preparing to open their APIs.

They prefer Eucalyptus for private clouds as it mimics Amazon's APIs. Eucalyptus has a experimental public cloud that allows free use with some restructions. Eucalyptus is currently available as a technology preview in 9.04 with full integration expected for 9.10(October 2009).


In San Francisco for JavaOne. The Monday before JavaOne is CommunityOne, Sun's push for Open stuff.

Not surprisingly, the operative word is Cloud. Virtual everything running in Sun's Cloud. They have the data center virtualized from CPU through Storage and Networking. Their big push here is compatability with other cloud infrastructure via an OpenAPI initiative. They are also shooting for compatibility with existing cloud technology such as the S3 and WebDAV protocols for storage.

The main idea that was pushed at the key note was you can set up and end-to-end data center just by logging on to the Sun Cloud site and submitting your credit card information and buying the capacity you need.